Talk to us +64 21 280 6585
Atack Industries Ltd

About Us

One of our clients has called us its secret weapon. We have taken that on board as our aspiration for every client.



Cogito, ergo possum
 'I think, therefore I can'

bullet  Adapted, with a smile, from Descartes
One of the few certainties in the world of business is that challenges and exciting new opportunities come up all the time. We have chosen to call ourselves 'Cogito' because we enjoy thinking about how to solve problems, create great new products and realise new business opportunities.

With our comprehensively equipped food and beverage laboratory and ingredient library, Cogito is well resourced to support a wide range of food & beverage product and process development projects. And because we are a multi-disciplined team, our services step beyond the technical, to help you build a great business as well as great products

Our clients range from individuals just starting out in the food & beverage industry with a brand new product idea, right through to established companies needing assistance with a specific product, process or business issue.

We are happy to tailor our service to suit your requirements. We pride ourselves on being nimble and responsive. And we guarantee confidentiality.

meet our team

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our promise to you

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food beverage
speak to us
phn +64 21 280 6585
address Unit E, 4 William Pickering Drive
Rosedale, Auckland 0632, New Zealand